There are many books in different-different paper which can be download.
The following books are good for the preparation of CSIR-NET/GATE/JEST/SET exam in physical science.
General aptitude – csir-net general aptitude-a new outlook -christyvergheese
Mathematical Method of Physics
1.Advanced Engineering Mathematics– Erwin Kreyszig
2.Mathematical Physics– H.K. Dass
Classical Mechanics
1.Classical Mechanics – J.C. Upadhyaya
2.Classical Mechanics –Herbert Goldstein
Electromagnetic Theory
1. Introduction to Electrodynamicse – David J. Griffiths
2. Electricity & Magnetisme – B.Ghosh
Quantum Mechanics
1. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics – David J. Griffiths
2. Quantum Mechanics Concepts & Applications– Nouredine Zettili
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
1. Statistical Mechanics– R. K. Patharia
2. Fundamentals of Statistical & Thermal Physics– F. Rief
Electronics & Experimental Methods
1. Digital Electronics-Malvino & Leach
2. Electronic Devices & Circuits – Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias
Atomic & Molecular Physics
1. Atomic and Molecular Physics – Raj Kumar
2. Fundamental of Molecular Spectroscopy– Colin N. Banwell & Elaine M. McCash
Condensed Matter Physics
1. Solid State Physics -puri and babbar
2. Introduction to Solid State Physics – N. W. Charles Kittel
Nuclear and Particle Physics
1. Introductory Nuclear Physics –Kenneth S. Krane
2. Introduction to Elementary Particles – David J. Griffiths
3. Particle Physics – C L Arora
General Aptitude
Mathematical physics
- H.K. DASS mathematical physics
- Advanced engineering mathematics by Erwin kreyszig**
- Mathematics for physics by Michael stone and paul goldbart
- Complex variable s and applications by dual v. Charchill
- Partial differential equation
- Elements of partial differential equations
- Introductory methods of numerical analysis by s.s. sastry**
- Linear algebra and it's applications by Gilbert strang
- Linear algebra by Kenneth Hoffman
- Mathematical methods for physicists by b. Arfken**
- Mathematical methods for physics and engineering
- Mathematical methods in the physical sciences by mary l. Boas
- Mathematical methods for physicist by tai l. chow
- introduction to probability by snell and grinstead
- Numerical methods for engineers and scientists by joe d. Hoffman
- Introductory Computational Physics Klein & Godunov
- Introductory Functional Analysis With Applications [Kreyszig]
- Mathematical_Physics__A_Modern_Introduction_to_Its_Foundations
- Mathematics for physics by Michael stone and paul goldbart
- Mathews J & Walker R L. Mathematical Methods of Physics
- Methods of Mathematical Physics - Intro
- Numerical Methods Hoffman
- Classical mechanics by j.c. upadhyaya**
- Lecture notes on classical mechanics by daniel arovas
- Lecture notes on classical mechanics by sunil golwana
- Classical mechanics by Goldstein**
- Solution to problem in Goldstein classical mechanics**
- Classical mechanics by Konstantin k. Likherev
- Introduction to classical mechanics by david morin
- Classical mechanics by Konstantin k. Likherev
- Introduction to mechanics and symmetry by jerrold e.marsden
- Relativestic kinematics by r. Hagedorn
- Special relativity by david w. Hogg
- Introduction_to_Statics_n_Dynamics-Rudra_Pratap
- From Classical to Quantum Mechanics- Sudarshan
- Concepts of Modern Physics - Arthur Beiser
- Landau, Lifshitz Vol. 2. The classical theory of fields 4th
- Classical mechanics by gupta kumar sharma
- Introduction to electrodynamics by david j. Griffiths**
- Solutions manual , introduction to electrodynamics by david j. Griffiths**
- Griffiths__David_-_Introduction_To_Electrodynamics_Solutions_Manual_-_With_Update
- Elements of electromagnetic by sadiku
- Solutions manual elements of electromagnetics by sadiku
- Classical electrodynamics Nirali Prakashan Bsc Book
- Electricity and Magnetism benjamin crowell
- Electromagnetism for electronics engineers by richard g. Carter
- Foundations of Classical Electrodynamics Friedrich W. Hehl & Yuri N. Obukhov
- The physics of waves by Howard georgi
- classical electrodynamics by j.d. jackson
- Electrodynamics Jackson (Answers to sel. problems)
- Solution of J.D. Jackson
- Waveguides
- optics by ajoy ghatak
- Quantum mechanics _500 problems with solutions aruldhas**
- Quantum Mechanics by G. Aruldhas
- Modern quantum mechanics by j.j. sakurai**
- Introduction to quantum mechanics david j. Griffiths**
- Solutions manual of introduction to quantum mechanics by david j. Griffiths**
- Quantum mechanics concept and application by nouredine zettili**
- Course on Quantum mechanics-Ulness
- Introduction to quantum mechanics by a.c. phillips
- Foundations of quantum mechanics by h.osborn
- Solutions to problems in quantum mechanics by p.saltsidis
- Introduction to quantum mechanics
- Notes on quantum mechanics by k. Schulten
- Fundamental quantum mechanics for engineers by leon van dommelen
- Quantum mechanics-I by peter s. Riseborough
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics A. W. Stetz
- QUANTUM FIELD THEORY BY Professor John W. Norbury
- Quantum mechanics demystified
- Quantum mechanics by john w. Norbury
- Quantum Mechanics Nirali Prakashan Bsc Book
- Quantum Mechanics I Peter S. Riseborough
- Quantum_Mechanics_Thankappan
- Quantum mechanics a modern development
- Quantum mechanics by Alastair I.m. rae
- Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Wave Equations, 3rd ed. - W. Greiner
- Modern quantum mechanics
- Principles of quantum mechanics by R. Shankar
- The Physics of Quantum Mechanics, Binney and Skinner
- QuantumTheory_park
- physics_quantum
- Quantum Mechanics by GENNARO AULETTA
- Solved Problems in Quantum and Statistical Mechanics Cini M., Fucito F., Sbragaglia M.
- Thermal physics by allen l. Wasserman
- Introduction to statistical physics by keedon huang
- Thermal physics by kittel**
- Graduate statistical mechanics by vijay s. Pande
- Problems on statistical mechanics by dalvit
- Statistical mechanics by satya prakash**
- Statistical mechanics by Mc. Qarrie
- Statistical mechanics by shang keng ma
- Problems and solutions for statistical physics of particles by mehram kardar
- Statistical physics by Yuri galperin and Jens feder
- Statistical mechanics by R.K. pathria**
- Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics by richard Fitzpatrick
- Statistical mechanics by alfred huan
- An introduction to thermodynamics and statistical mechanics by Keith stowe
- Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
- Thermal and statistical physics by mallett
- Heat and Thermodynamics 7th ed - M. Zemansky, R. Dittman - (McGraw
- Digital electronics principle devices and applications by anil k. Maini
- Basic electronics-i
- Basic electronics 1
- Basic electronics 2
- Digital computer electronics by albert paul malvino**
- Digital principles and applications by leach malvino
- Digital and analogue instrumentation testing and measurement by nihal kularatna
- Electronic devices and circuit theory by robert boylestad and louis nashalesky
- Pulse , digital and switching waveforms by milkman
- Problems and solutions in electronics by Roger loxton
- Principles of electronics by mehta**
- Electronic principles by malvino
- Integrated electronics by millman-halkias**
- MillmanHalkias-ElectronicDevicesCircuits
- Analogue_and_Digital electronics by Ahmed
- Atomic , Molecular spectra and Laser by rajkumar
- Atomic and molecular physics
- Lectures on atomic physics by johnson
- An introduction to atomic , molecular and quantum physics by w. Demtrioder
- Elementary atomic structure by g.k. Woodgate
- Laser Physics by Milonni P.W., Eberly J.H.
- Laser fundamental and application by thyagarajan and ghotak
- Solid_State_PhysicsR._K._Puri,_V.K._Babbar
- Introduction to modern solid state physics by Yuri m. galperin
- Introduction to solid state physics by charles kittel**
- Solutions solid state kittel**
- Solid state physics by h. Ibach and puth
- Solid state physics
- Solid_State_Physics__Principles_and_Modern_Applications
- Elements of nuclear physics by w.e. burcham
- Introductory nuclear physics by krane**
- Introduction to elementary particles by david Griffiths**
- Solutions manual for introduction to elementary particles by david Griffiths**
- Nuclear and particles physics by Niels walet
- Nuclear physics by roy and nigam
- Advances in Nuclear Physics v. 23 - Negele J.W., Vogt E.
- John Lilley-Nuclear Physics Principles and Applications
- Martin - Nuclear and Particle Physics - An Introduction
- Problems and solutions on atomic ,Nuclear and particle
- Problems and solutions on electromagnetism
- Problems and solutions on mechanics
- Problems and solutions on quantum mechanics
- Problems and solutions on solid state physics , relativity and miscellaneous topics
- Problems and solutions on thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
- Applied physics
- Complex variables
- Linear algebra
- Mathematical band Book of formulas and tables
- Probability, random variables and random processes**
- Electromagnetics i
- Electromagnetics ii
- Quantum mechanics
- Digital principle
- Beginning statistics
- Thermodynamics for engineers
- Vector analysis
- 1000 solved problems in modern physics
- 1000 solved problems in classical physics
- A guide to physics problems part 1 mechanics, relativity and electrodynamics
- A guide to physics problems part 2 thermodynamics, statistical physics and quantum mechanics
- Electricity, magnetism and modern physics
- Physics by example_ 200 problems and solutions
- Solutions to I.E. Irodov's problems in general physics volume 1 mechanics heat electrodynamics
- Solutions to I.E.Irodov's problems in general physics volume II waves optics modern physics
- 11th english part 1
- 11th english part 2
- 12th english part 1
- 12th english part 2
- 11th hindi part 1
- 11th hindi part 2
- 12th hindi part 1
- 12th hindi part 2